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School Safety

Severe Weather Awareness:


The Principal’s office will be in constant contact with the Cleveland/Bradley Count Emergency Management Agency (CBCEMA) by way of emergency weather radio so that early warning can be received concerning possible severe weather. Students will be sent home only if we are sure there is sufficient time to get them there before severe weather strikes. Parents are urged not to come to the school for children if severe weather is already in the immediate area since students would be safer at school than traveling under these conditions. Weather Awareness drills will be held regularly at the school so that children will be familiar with safety areas and procedures. If it becomes necessary to send students home, that decision will be made by the Director and not the building principal. Parents are advised to listen to the local radio stations in these situations. There will also be a school level, as well as a district level phone message sent to parents. You may also sign up to receive emergency information on your device by going to nixle.com Please make sure the school has your updated contact information.